Just smile

Yesterday, I had to fly, so Daddy picked up Samuel from school. While waiting for Samuel, a mother and her little girl recognized Daddy as Samuel's father; this is a common occurrence. The mother proceeds to tell him that her daughter is facing serious health issues that have the mother very concerned and quite scared. She gave an account of a recent event in which her daughter saw her mother's concern. The little girl, trying to comfort her mother, said "Mommy, It'll be OK as long as we smile like Samuel smiles".

This blessed me so much. Knowing that Samuel is an inspiration for a family going through tough times. Just smile. But not just any smile...a Samuel smile. Ear to ear, open mouth, squinty eyed smiles that make the one that he's smiling at feel like a celebrity. I wonder how many times that little girl has seen Samuel's smile. In the hallway at school? In the cafeteria? On the playground? I try to see it through Samuel's eyes... In the hallways full of children where he is often times tripped up accidentally, no doubt. In the cafeteria where he has to bring his own lunch because he can't/won't eat "normal" foods. On the playground where he has to have an aide within arms reach at all times to catch him should he fall. All of these obstacles and yet, he still has this charismatic, genuine smile. That is inspiring. He is inspiring. He can't talk. But yet he speaks volumes through a smile. 

Now here I am, flying again today. I was about to start the engines, on to another destination when I received a call I've been waiting for. Medical diapers for Samuel. He is six-years-old and not potty trained. He has outgrown the store-bought diapers. This is a difficult task for me, to talk to the nice lady about insurance and my son's diaper needs. I feel like I've failed him. So I answer the call, the passengers can wait, Samuel needs this more than they need their destination. Polite and honest, with tears in my voice I answer her, "Ma'am, I am about to fly an airplane, I'm having a hard time with my six-year-old being in diapers. Please do your best, I trust you. I just can't talk about this right now. I'm sorry." I start up the engines with hot tears streaming down my cheeks and think to myself, 
"Just Smile, smile like Samuel and it'll all be OK."

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