
I'm still working through this one. Allow me to share with you what I received from Samuel's school yesterday....They asked for me to "read and sign" this document, pictured below. The first line of the document hit me like a low blow to my gut, down to my very chore. I was not expecting it. I don't know what I was expecting... a field trip permission slip, a therapy consent form, a medical records request...I don't know, just anything, ANYTHING but this. The first line reads, "Samuel is receiving Special Education due to mental retardation." Mental retardation. Mental retardation. MENTAL RETARDATION!!! My mind raced.

Bare with me here. I am his mother, I know him best, I know he is almost 6-years-old and can not verbally talk, I know he is not potty trained, I know he is not stable on his feet and he walks funny, I KNOW ALL OF THIS!!! Believe me, I think about it every day. Despite my most earnest and severe efforts, the truth remains that he is far behind the curve. However, it has NEVER been in my mind that he is mentally retarded. Maybe that makes ME "retarded". Maybe I'm in denial. Maybe I don't want to face the truth, no, that's not it....I know the truth...I don't want to face the label. That's it...I HATE the label. 

I am full of faith for my first born son to receive a greater purpose in his life than a "mental retardation" label. I give him a "Spiritual Discernment" label. "Healer" "Minister" "Lover of people" He is so much more. I am his mother and I will give him his identity. As parents, it is our responsibility to hear from God on how to raise him up. And when I pray for Samuel these are the labels I hear. 

And as for this school document; well, I don't blame them, I know they are just following protocol and procedure. I pray for his teachers and therapists daily. I pray that he will be a blessing to them and that they will be a blessing to him. I pray that he is helpful and ministers to them. Everyday, I ask God to dispatch guardian angels around him and to protect him where I cannot. I expect healings and miracles from everyone he touches or even passes by. I pray that they feel the magnitude of responsibility that comes with teaching such an anointed child. 

And anointed he is, indeed. 
Samuel's First Day of Kindergarten 2015


  1. Amen! This was so powerful and eye opening! I pray that he is a blessing to them as well. You are such a wonderful mother. You are truly blessed.

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  3. Yes! Samuel will rise up and fulfill the call of God on his life! He is so blessed to have you as his mother, to have a woman of God calling him forth.

  4. He is a precious little boy! He has a greater purpose momma! Last night at church while I was walking to get Keylie, my baby, from the nursery his little hand reached out and grabbed mine, he held it for a little while and just rubbed the top of my hand. Although I am still a stranger to him, he showed me love! He is a wonderful little boy and trust me his purpose is overflowing! Your little boy not only touched my hand he touched my heart!

    1. Thank you for sharing. He definitely has discernment. You must be a pretty terrific person :) we look forward to getting to know you and your family.

  5. Shan I tried to comment on this when I first read what was said I could not get it to go thru....I see on facebook where she apologized...That was nice of her...Praying that Samuel is doing ok in school & the teacher is taking up time with him...Sure miss that little man...Love you all...You & Michael are good parents & The Lord knew who He was placing Samuel...The Lord loves you all...
