Samuel and Mommy update

Looking back at past posts, I've realized how far we've come.

Samuel is 5 years old. Not talking. Not potty trained; however, 
He has matured greatly these past few months
He keeps track of his drink. (this is a big deal in our home)
He sleeps through (most) nights
He feeds himself (some)
He has found creative ways to ask for what he wants: pauses a video on a picture of chocolate
He has learned how to play with Gabriel (and vice versa)
He is gentle with baby Ellie

Samuel and I get along much better now, we are not as frustrated with each other as we used to be. I think him being in school for part of the day and him being able to "communicate" better has attributed greatly to our tolerance levels. He follows (most) directions now. He accepts discipline without vomiting (this is HUGE). He is open to trying (most) foods without choking.

I'm not nearly as frazzled as I used to be
I understand some of my "triggers" and avoid them as best I can
When a "trigger" does happen, I don't let fear overtake me; whether it be the fear of Samuel's health or future or my inadequacies as his mother
I don't look at his school progress reports, Daddy reviews them and gives me the good news
I pick my battles, whether it be with the school system or Samuel
I allow others to minister to me without guilt
I accept that people don't understand and that's ok; they don't have to understand my struggles in order to help us and vice versa
It's ok to say "no", I don't have to do everything
I try to laugh more than I cry
I take one day at a time

I'm still learning and growing; just as Samuel is. We make adjustments together
As far as behavior and health, we are on the up and up. We give glory to God. He is constantly covered in prayer; and it shows.

1 comment:

  1. Shan....I wondered why you had not updated your blog...not that you are busy ...;)..I am glad to see you on here again...That pic. of Samuel is so cute...You & your Mom see him a lot MORE (:)) than I do & you do not see the change that I do when I see him in person or on Skype... I can see a lot of improvement in him... I am praying for you all.. Miss & love you, Michael & those babies!!!!!
