The Mother I wanted to be...

I'm going to be transparent don't judge me:

I always thought that I'd be the kind of mom that would go places with her kids.  Take them here and there....parks, play groups, movies, museums, beach.  I've become the opposite.  When Samuel was born we had to protect him from illness or they'd put a G-tube in his tummy.  We had to carry oxygen where ever we went.  It made it very difficult to get out of the house.  So we just stayed home unless we HAD to go (which was mostly to Atlanta for doctors).  So now I see all the new mothers going places with their babies and it saddens me, for Samuel and for the mother I wanted to be.

Now I have two.  I never got good at taking one out, much less two now.  So I'm still not the mother I wanted to be.

It goes deeper than just taking them out.  I tend to blame myself for Samuel's delays.  I'm his mother, I'm his teacher.  What am I not doing right?  Also, I never wanted him to have sugar (well, some occasionally, just not in high doses).  Now he's addicted to pediasure which is FULL of sugar.  I remember seeing children act up in stores or church and thinking, "Not my kid, no way will I allow that. They need to discipline that kid".  But now, I don't know how to discipline because I'm not sure how much he understands.  I don't want him to think "Mommy hates me, what did I do?  Why does she hate me?"

As a mother you have a certain idea of how things are going to go.  Everything I had planned or dreamed is gone.  I have to let go.  I can't keep comparing myself to others.  I know.  I just have to realize I'm not the mother I wanted to be.


  1. Maybe not the one you wanted to be, but you are a very good mom, you've been what Samuel has needed you to be....a mom that has been there for him through it all. Tirelessly loving and giving, not putting yourself first, but him. That's what a mom is to be.

  2. A mom who prays for her children, advocates for her children and loves her children... you are exactly the mom God intended for your beautiful boys!

  3. Shan, you are a wonderful mother!! Samuel & Gabriel are so blessed to have you as their mom. I don't think anyone can live up to their own expectations. I think u rock!!

  4. Thank you for all of your encouragement. I need to stay OFF FACE BOOK!! ;) It is so easy to compare yourself to others especially when you're just getting a snip-it of their life off of the computer.

    I have gotten the boys out more this week. I'm starting to make changes.

    I appreciate you guys! Love you!

  5. I know things are tough but God knew EXACTLY what He was doing when He blessed you with those two boys, your tireless and patient efforts astound me!! I know things are not the "norm" but neither are your boys! Why would you not want to be the mother that loves and cares for her children prays for them protects and would give all for them!! There should be more moms that ARE the mom you did not want to be! I love you and your boys so much! I think you rock!! I would love to have a mom like you!

  6. never ever ever doubt yourself as a mother. i know i don't really know you and i haven't seen you in years but (unless this whole blog is a giant lie...)you are the very best kind of mom. you put your children's needs, no matter how big, first and you do whatever it takes for them to be happy and more importantly, healthy. you are samuel and gabriel's mom for a reason. not just any ole play group attending mom can handle your tough situation. you are absolutely an inspiration for all mom's. your boys are so lucky to have you. thanks again for sharing your story.

    1. Thanks Amy...I appreciate your encouragement. You are so kind.

  7. Shan, YOU ARE a good Mother!! YOU TAKE good care of those babies...Don't ever forget that...I know that you love both babies....Love you.
