Samuel's Eating Adventures

Samuel has never liked to eat.  Drink?  Yes!!  Eat?  NO!!  Unless he's eating cookies :)

This week, I'm going to try something different.  I'm going to have a few different foods for him to choose from.  This morning I tried it and it went, hmmm, well, better.  He still pushed my hand away, which is something I'm trying to teach him NOT to do.

Breakfast Time
Samuel ate 1/2 of this cup this morning

His choices this morning were blueberry greek yogurt, granola bar, graham cracker and his drink (almond milk).  I started with the greek yogurt, he ate most of it (half a cup).  He got tired of that so I offered him graham cracker.  He got tired of that and saw his brother with a drink, so I gave him his drink and in between sips I offered him the granola bar.  So, all in all he ate half a cup of greek yogurt, one little stick of graham cracker, half a granola bar and ALL of his drink.  Not bad, considering usually I can only get about 3 bites down him before he starts fighting.



  1. I think you did great with him this morning. How long did all this take?

  2. does he like fruit? i keep bags in the freezer of chopped fruit and a few cubes of frozen yogurt so i can make smoothies faster/easier. i haven't tried it, but there are lots of veggies you can sneak in there that don't taste bad. that way he is getting some of the nutrients he needs in a drink. good luck!

  3. @Mom That took about an hour.

    @Amy He likes fruit. I haven't tried smoothies. I don't know if he could "drink" it, he may could spoon eat it. I'll have to ponder that. Thanks for the suggestion!
